
The Veiled Thread Presentation

Click here to view my presentation on my book ‘The Veiled Thread’.

Please contact me for further information.

Epigenetics TED-talks

Epigenetics is a significant part of my book ‘The Veiled Thread’. The following TED-talks are a great resource if you want to learn and understand everything there is to know about Epigenetics

What is Epigenetics?

TED-ed | Lesson by Carlos Guerrero-Bosagna, animation by Chris Bishop

Epigenetics and the influence of our genes

TEDxOU | Courtney Griffins

Epigenetics transformation

TEDxLowerEastSide | Pamela Peeke

Ancestral ghosts in your genome

TEDxRainier | Michael Skinner

How do you cope with the trauma you didn’t experience?

TED-xTwinFalls | Leah Warshawski

Epigenetics – our bodies’ way to change the destiny written in our DNA

TEDxBratislava | Moshe Szyf

(the missing puzzle)

TEDxLakeGeneva | David Shenk

The Australian Light Horse Association

A non-profit organisation, whose aim is to preserve the history and tradition of the Australian Light Horse and its predecessors.

Click here to to go to the
Australian Light Horse Association website
and keep the Light Horse history alive.

Listen to the
Marching Song of the 3rd Light Horse.
Commonwealth of Australia

Stephen Twartz
Author | Artist | Adventurer